8302 Montague Street, Tampa, Florida 33635
The Alonso High School Band Boosters is the official support group for the AHS Band and it's members are critical to the success of our band program in the school and in surrounding communities. The Board works closely with Mrs. Griffis to keep the band running behind the scenes.
The Alonso High School Band Boosters is a registered non-profit 501(c)3 corporation that exists to support the financial operations of the bands of Alonso High School, to maintain an enthusiastic interest in all phases of the band program, to promote the band in the community and to support and cooperate with the objectives of its Band Director.
This elite group of dedicated parents, alumni, and community members go over and beyond to keep the “Raven Band” on the cutting edge of excellence. Year-round there are many areas where extra hands, smiles, teamwork and all-around support are needed especially during fall marching season. Some areas include the annual band banquet, carpentry projects, chaperoning, collect parking fees, fundraising, game day meals, homecoming events, special events at the school, loading/unloading equipment, transporting equipment, photography, provide water/gatorade, senior night events, uniform alterations, and more.
If you have questions about being a part of this awesome organization, don’t hesitate to ask any “veteran” band parent or Alonso High School Band Booster (AHSBB) Executive Board member. Remember, every veteran was once a new band parent, and they would be more than happy to help you and your student succeed as a member of the Alonso High School Band Program. You can contact us by email at: alonsohighschoolbandboosters@gmail.com
There is a wide variety of opportunities to help out the band. Please take a look at the committee sign up sheet to browse available slots and sign up for all that are of interest to you.
The first step to becoming a volunteer with the Alonso High School Bands is to complete a Hillsborough County School District volunteer application.
Your application submits you to a background check in compliance with the Jessica Lunsford Act. Level 1 volunteers who have passed the entry-level application process can volunteer at all single-day school-sponsored band events. Any volunteer wishing to participate as a chaperone for events requiring an overnight stay must be approved as Level 2, which requires additional screening, including fingerprinting. The Hillsborough County volunteer website will provide additional information regarding those requirements and next steps.
If you have questions, send an email to Tracy Maguire, VP of Volunteers at tracy.maguire74@gmail.com
Responsible for organizing booster activities and chaperones for the benefit of the Alonso Band Program. The President will work closely with the Director, Board and Committees.
Vice President, Fundraising
Research and help coordinate fundraisers for both the general band fund and for individual student accounts.
Vice President, Hospitality
Coming Soon
Vice President, Volunteers
Help recruit and coordinate volunteers for home and away games, events, trips, etc.
Responsible for keeping accurate records in CutTime and supporting ledger of all student transactions as well as monies made and spent through booster organization; expected to report financial status monthly to the board and parents/guardians.
Responsible for documenting and reporting meeting information to parents/guardians.